Kindle Select Management

Price :
Per 90-day period (1 ebook), $85.00

Kindle Select is a program offered by Australian ebook Publisher that lets us spend extra time promoting your book when it is exclusively for sale on Amazone Kindle. We will utilise the "Select" tools of Amazon to help your ebook:

Earn higher royalties
Earn your share of the Global Fund when customers read your books from Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. Plus, earn 70% royalty for sales to customers in Japan, India, Brazil and Mexico.

Maximize your book’s sales potential
Choose between two great promotional tools: Kindle Countdown Deals, time-bound promotional discounting for your book while earning royalties; or Free Book Promotion where readers worldwide can get your book free for a limited time.

Reach a new audience
Help readers discover your books by making them available through Kindle Unlimited in the U.S, U.K., Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, India, Japan, and Australia, and the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL) in the U.S, U.K., Germany, France, and Japan.

For more details on Amazon Kindle Select please see our FAQ article, What advantage is there to using Kindle Select for my ebook?

What you will get for this

  • We will load your ebook to Amazon Kindle on an exclusive basis for 90 days.
  • We will remind you to run ads on social media or ebook email newsletters and we'll do our best to coincide those dates you arrange with setting up free days or count-down deals.
  • We will offer you subsequent 90-day periods if you wish to try again (additional fee of $85 for us to manage).
  • Once your 90-day period(s) end, we will load your ebook to the other vendors, as per your contract.
  • If applicable, we will set-up pay-per-click Amazon ads using your budget
    The actual advertising budget is a separate charge and must be pre-paid, min. AUD$3/day for 90 days + our exchange rate conversion, finance and accounting fees—$351+GST.

To maximise the performance of your ebook, please purchase Marketing Stage 1, which in itself comes with a free 90 days of Kindle Select Management.

Book Marketing

Customer Feedback

"I have really appreciated your support with my book, Amanda. I'm sure your other clients are of the same opinion. Quality professionalism is never in over supply, neither is generosity of spirit. You have both."—Henry Grossek, radio announcer and author of Game On: Building the Education Revolution

"Thank you, Australian eBook Publisher. I am delighted with the quality of the print edition of my novel, Beast-speaker. The service that Amanda and her team provide is exceptional: friendly, helpful and everything is delivered within the promised time-frame. The print on demand package is easy and affordable, and I highly recommend it to anyone considering publishing with Australian eBook Publisher."—W. A. Noble, author of Beast-speaker

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